Police Department
The police department is loacted in the rear of the municipal building.
Police ensure every day that there is law and order in Springfield.
Contact information for the Police Department:
Phone: 911 Emergency
609-723-5100 Office
609-723-8300 Non-Emergency Dispatch
609-723-6591 Fax
Address: 2159 Jacksonville Jobstown Road
Jobstown, NJ 08041
The members of the Springfield Township Police Department are committed to providing law enforcement services that are fair, effective, and impartially applied. It is in the best interest of everyone that your complaint about the performance of an individual officer is resolved fairly and promptly. The Police department has formal procedures for investigating your complaint. These procedures ensure fairness and protect the rights of both citizens and law enforcement officers.
This form is to be used only for complaints about law enforcement officers working for Springfield Township. Complete the form and hit submit and/or download from the below link and you can email, mail or drop off at the Township.